- ¥2,000 ( 税込 ¥2,200 )
- B5判
- 144 pp.
- 全15章
- 978-4-7647-4179-9
先生用付属品 :
- 教授用資料
- 試訳
- 教室用CD
- スクリプト
Voice Your Opinion
ディスカッションで伸ばす 発信型英語演習
飯野厚 / 中村さよ / Brian Wistner / 和田俊彦 / 籔田由己子 著
スキル : スピーキングディスカッション・ディベート
In My Opinion続編のディスカッション教材!
- 4技能を丁寧に学びながら日本人学生の発信力を伸ばすことを目指した教材。「食品業界と環境問題」「キャッシュレス社会」「SNS検閲」といった注目の社会問題も取り入れ、思考力・表現力を鍛えます。
- 機能表現を学ぶリスニングや情報整理に役立つリーディングなど、多彩なタスクを収録。全ての活動が章末のロールプレイタスクに有機的につながっていきます。
Unit 1 | Which is better for a holiday, camping or staying at a hotel? |
Unit 2 | Which is better for your health, tea or coffee? |
Unit 3 | Which class style is more effective, face-to-face or online? |
Unit 4 | Which do you prefer, buying clothes or renting them? |
Unit 5 | Should eSports be in the Olympic Games? |
Unit 6 | Should food companies abandon best-before dates? |
Unit 7 | Where do you like to watch movies, at a theater or at home? |
Unit 8 | Should homeowners install solar panels? |
Unit 9 | Should Japan ban the sale of pets? |
Unit 10 | Should Japan introduce a four-day workweek? |
Unit 11 | Should children’s video game time be limited by law? |
Unit 12 | Should cashless payment be promoted further in Japan? |
Unit 13 | Should social media companies censor their platforms? |
Unit 14 | Should Japan invest more in space development? |
Unit 15 | Should public baths and hot springs accept people with tattoos? |