- ¥2,000 ( 税込 ¥2,200 )
- A5判 上製
- 168 pp.
- 978-4-7647-1196-9
Jonathan Swift as a Conservative TrimmerAn Ideological Reading of His English Politico-Religious Writings, 1701-1726
Wataru Nakajima 著
- 英国希代の風刺作家として名高いジョナサン・スウィフト。聖職者にして政論家であった彼は、ホイッグからトーリーへと支持政党を乗り換えた変節者としても知られるが、その転向の背後には、イングランドの保守主義の伝統を踏まえた堅固な政治理念があった。論壇デビューから『ガリバー旅行記』形成に至るまでの政治文書をたどり、「思想家」スウィフトの実像に迫る。
- Chapter 1
- The Archetype of Swift’s Political Thought: A Discourse of the Contests and Dissensions between the Nobles and the Commons in Athens and Rome in the Context of the Seventeenth-Century Theory of Mixed Government
- Swift’s Ideal of the State in A Discourse of the Contests and Dissensions in Athens and Rome
- Precursory Nonpartisan Conservatism of Halifax the “Trimmer”
- The Concept of the Ancient Constitution and English Mixed Monarchy
- Chapter 2
- Swift’s Views on Church and State: A Tale of a Tub and His Early Religious Works
- Swift’s Animosity against Nonconforming Faith and the Anti-Jacobite Tone in A Tale of a Tub
- Swift’s Religious Outlook: Pamphlets during the Years around His Party Conversion
- Church and State in Leviathan and Swift’s Antipathy to Hobbes
- Chapter 3
- Active Nonpartisanship in Swift’s Tory Tracts: The Examiner and The Conduct of the Allies
- The Transformation of Tory and Whig Ideologies
- Swift’s Views of Party
- British Political Conditions in the Eyes of Swift
- The Political Ideals of “Robin the Trickster”
- Between Allegiance and Independence: Swift’s Idiosyncratic Affinity with Harley’s Political Designs
- Chapter 4
- Swift’s Politics as a Would-Be Historiographer: His Unpublished Works at the Change of Dynasty and Gulliver’s Travels
- The Political and Ideological Significance of Swift’s Unpublished Papers
- Swift’s Unchanging Political Creed
- Swift versus Defoe: A “Secret History” of Swift’s Memoirs
- Gulliver’s Travels versus Robinson Crusoe: An Ideological Confrontation
- Summary: From Politics via History to Literature — Swift’s Ideological Efforts on the Eve of the Travels
- Conclusion